US Permanent Visas


The US has signed many treaties and offer many different visas for those looking to move. There are a few simple ways to move to America without hassle and this is through US INVESTOR VISAS. They offer two possible options both viable through a substantial investment in a US business.

E2 Investor Visa


EB5- Immigrant Investor Visa


EB-5 Investor Green Cards Option

The EB5 Investor Visa is an immigrant visa. This type of visa leads straight to a Green card meaning that you are a Permanent Residence and that after 5 years, your time physically spent in the USA leads to Citizenship and a Passport. 

The EB5 visa requires a $1.8 million dollar investment which may be reduced to $900,000 in certain circumstances. This visa is valuable to those who own foreign businesses, or have run businesses before, and/or are interested in managing a business.  

There are numerous types of Permanent visa applications. A Permanent Residency -(I-551) PR or otherwise known as The Greencard allows you to live and work permanently in the United States.

In order to apply for a Green Card based on Employment, you must be eligible under one of the categories:

  • E-11 Alien With Extraordinary Ability In The Sciences, Arts, Education, Business, or Athletics
  • S. Employer Filing For An E-12 Outstanding Professor or Researcher
  • S. Employer Filing For An E-13 Multinational Executive or Manager
  • E-21 Alien Who Holds An Advanced Degree or Has Exceptional Ability And Seeks A Labor Certification Waiver In The National Interest, Commonly Called A National Interest Waiver (NIW)
  • S. Employer (Business or An Individual) Filing For An E-21 Member Of The Professions Holding An Advanced Degree or An Alien Of Exceptional Ability; E-32 Professional; E-31Skilled Worker; or EW-3 Unskilled (Other) Worker
  • Alien Belonging To A U.S. Professional Athletic Team And Is Filing As An E-21 Alien Of Exceptional Ability As A Professional Athlete
  • S. Employer Seeking Schedule A, Group I For An E-21 Member Of The Professions Holding An Advanced Degree (Physical Therapist), or An E-32 Professional or E-31 Skilled Worker And Are Seeking Professional Nurse Certification
  • S. Employer Filing For An E-21 Member Of The Professions Holding An Advanced Degree or An Alien Of Exceptional Ability, or E-32 Professional And Are Seeking Schedule A, Group II (Sciences, Arts, And Performing Arts) Certification
  • S. Employer Filing For EW-3 Unskilled (Other) Worker To Perform Services As A Sheepherder Without Obtaining A Labor Certification From The Department of Labor First



The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program

Option 1 –Direct Investment in New Company

The EB-5 Green card refers to an employment-based visa. The requirements for the direct-investment are:

  1. You must invest, or be in the process of investing, at least $1,800,000 in a US company.
  2. Your investment must benefit the U.S. economy.
  3. Your investment must create at least 10 full-time jobs for U.S. workers.
  4. You must have at least a policy-making role in the business


Option 2- Regional Center Investment

If you would like to invest less money or not be managing  the day-to-day of a business, you can invest a minimum of $900,000 if it goes to a Targeted Employment Area (TEA) under the authority of the Immigrant Investor Pilot Program. The regional center investment option would be better if you have less money available, you’re unfamiliar with running a business, or you’re not interested in directly managing your investment

If you are NON E1 or E2 TREATY COUNTRY national   – such as from India, Brazil, Russia, China, Hungary,  Portugal and more – you may be required to look directly at this option. 

If you discover that you are interested in investing in the USA and receiving an investment visa to the United States but your country does not fall on the list attached – you must contact DRSI Law for options.

DRSI LAW specializes in seeking the most creative and innovative paths to legitimate your residence. We have helped hundreds of NON Treaty country residents in the past with options to immigrate to the USA.

Queues Visa applications - ENDLESS ETERNAL Battle


The backlog to receive a US GREENcard among Indian nations is so acute that an Indian national who applies for a green card now can expect to wait up to 50 years to get one. Nearly 7,000 green card applications by Indian alien workers were pending—almost 35 times the number in 2018, data from US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) show. Overall, with 56,608 green cards approved for Indian workers, the group received nearly half of all permanent residency permits issued in 2019. 

Indians face the worst backlog when it comes to getting a green card, thanks to a 7%-per-country cap on allocations each year. Nearly 800,000 workers and their families—most of them Indians—are waiting for employment-based green cards.  USCIS is still processing applications from 2009; libertarian think tank CATO Institute estimates that the wait time for Indians with advanced degrees is 49 years.

Approximately 450,000 Brazilian immigrants resided in the United States in 2017, an increase of nearly one-third over a seven-year span that was marked by difficult conditions in Brazil, including a recession accompanied by high unemployment and inflation. Brazilians, who now represent 1 percent of the 44.5 million immigrants in the United States, have historically sought improved economic opportunities via emigration, especially since the 1980s. However, changes in U.S. immigration law made it more difficult for Brazilians to obtain tourist visas—a common method of entry that often resulted in overstaying to work illegally in the United States.

Nationality Based quotas

These nationality-based quotas are known as the country limits. The country limits result in each nationality waiting in lines that move at different speeds within each category. The wait time for Mexican siblings of U.S. citizens is different from that of Filipino siblings of U.S. citizens, and both wait times differ from those of Mexican or Filipino spouses of legal permanent residents. For the most part, just four nationalities — Indians, Chinese, Filipinos, and Mexicans — reach the country limits. When a nationality reaches the country limit, nationals of other countries pass them in the line.

To view DRSI recent case studies please see below recent approvals of cases:
