Mr D. was a 63 year old man whose mother had passed a few years ago. He was always told by his British mother that after several attempts to register him as a British Citizen at the British Embassy when he was a child, she had never been successful, and had eventually given up. His mother had been born in the UK, but at a young age she married a non UK citizen and left the UK. She never returned. She gave birth to D outside the UK and he had no siblings. She had shared with him her strong British heritage over his childhood, and over the years taught him many British manners. D. also spoke the Queen’s English with an excellent accent that was unflawed. After his mother’s passing, he read about our Law offices successes online and was recommended by a friend and contacted our offices to see if there were any other options available to him to receive his duly deserved British passport. After research, DRSI Law soon found him eligible for British citizenship. His mother had unfortunately been discriminated against like many many others and before the enactment of the current British Nationality Act 1981, British women, and specifically only WOMEN, were actually prevented from transferring British citizenship to their own children who happened to be born outside the UK.
At this time-, only British fathers were able to pass on citizenship as long as the birth was registered at a British consulate within a year. These individuals became British citizens by descent. This is where the law became Discriminatory and in 2003 the legislation was retrospectively amended so as to allow those born before 1983 to acquire citizenship through the female line. See The Advocate General for Scotland (Appellant) v Romein (Respondent) (Scotland). D. was very excited and in less than 8 months, his case had been approved and he is today a British Citizen by Decent. We have attached a copy of the Affirm your Allegiance interview and his Certificate of Registration as a British Citizen under Section 4C of the British Nationality Act 1981.
Dear XXX,
I am delighted to inform you that your Certificate of Registration has been received at the British Embassy in Tel-Aviv. You are now required to attend a Citizenship Ceremony where you will Affirm your Allegiance to The Queen, following which, your certificate will be handed to you and you will become a British Citizen.
Accordingly, I would like to invite you to a short ceremony on Friday the 13th of March at 11.00 at the Ambassador’s residence, xxxxxxxx.
Below is the text you will be required to affirm:
“I XXXXXXXXXXXX, do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that, on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors according to law”.
The pledge, given immediately after the Affirmation. The wording to be used is as follows:
“I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a British citizen”.
Consular Section British Embassy