Corporate UK Immigration

Corporate UK Immigration

Foreigners Working in the UK?

Working Permits to The United Kingdom

  • Are you a British company looking to hire a foreigner?
  • Do you hire European citizens today and are wondering how to hire Europeans workers after Brexit?
  • Are you a foreigner with a fantastic one in a lifetime job opportunity in the UK?
  • Do you find yourself traveling frequently to the UK on too many business trips?
  • Has an immigration officer at Heathrow or Gatwick ever pulled you to the side to ask you questions about why you enter the UK or why you are staying so long?
  • Are you interested in renting a property in the UK, but the landlord will only rent it to a “resident”?
  • Are you staying for longer and longer periods of time during your “business trips”?
  • Are you considering opening a UK branch of your company soon?
  • Do you need to open a UK bank account and cannot because you are not a British resident?
  • Do you need to register with FCA, but are not permitted till you have a Tier 1 resident visa?
In order to answer the above, all foreigners must abide by the UK Immigration Rules while you are subject to immigration control. Review below the list of current UK work visas and DRSI Law shall be happy to expand on further details relevant to your case. Main Most common UK Work permits OptionsUK Visas and Immigration runs two visa systems – a Point Based System aka PBS work visas, and a Non PBS system.

Main Most common UK Work permits Options

Point Based UK Visa Options

  • Tier 1 Options are divided into options for Entrepreneurs, Investors, Startups and Directors
  • Tier 2 Options are for employees of a UK company.


Employees are divided into subcategories. Firstly your company must have a UK Sponsor License prior to helping your employee. DRSI Law, can assist with strategically planning the set up of your UK Company including:

  • Incorporation
  • Bank Account 
  • Intro to Accountants and
  • UK Tax advisors
  • Employment Liability
  • Insurance 
  • Intro to PAYE scheme,
  • HMRC and VAT
  • Seeking HR for your UK
  • staff
  • Introduction to many
  • Government accelerator
  • programs  

Tier 2 UK Sponsor Licenses for UK Companies

Tier 2 Working visas – 

For UK companies with either :

  1. a) a branch abroad or
  2. b) hiring a professional from the shortage occupation list or
  3. c) hiring a professional after advertising the position for 28 days. 
  4. d) hiring a highly paid staff member of over £152,000 pounds a year 

DRSI Law shall arrange the Sponsor License for the British company and guide the Company throughout the process including the advertisement and the Consular processing. The Processing time today is between 12 to 18 weeks.

See current list of UK Companies who have an A Rated Sponsor license. Should you be interested in working for a UK company – check if they are on this List. Recent article regarding sponsor license Compliance attached.

Further UK Common Work Visas

  • Tier 5 Creative visa – for artists, musicians, and writers
  • Tier 5 Government – for professional Researchers, medical professionals fellowships, etc
  • Tier 4 – Student visas – short term for English studies up to 11 months and Long term to cover the full degree
  • Domestic Workers – Any domestic worker such as your driver, au pair, nanny or caregiver that has worked with you for over 12 months, can apply for a 6-month Domestic worker visa in the UK to join their employer in his trip to the UK.

Overseas Representative Visas – 

You can apply to come to the UK as a representative of an overseas business if you’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland and you’re either:

  • the sole representative of an overseas company planning to set up a UK branch or a wholly owned subsidiary for an overseas parent company
  • an employee of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation posted on a long-term assignment to the UK


See an example of DRSI clients Overseas Business Visa approved by Immigration

CASE STUDY 1 April 2019

Visa applicant is appointed as the senior employee of the UK Company and he has full authority to take operational decisions on behalf of the overseas UK firm for the purpose of representing the foreign parent company, in the United Kingdom. The applicant’s position today is as Head of Global Development Project Manager which is a senior position, but he does not have shares in this company. The majority of the business’ affairs will continue to be based overseas. The main objective of the company is to set up a UK base in order to expand the company’s activities by providing editing services to High-Tech companies in the United Kingdom. The Visa applicant does not intend to take further employment beyond his representation of the foreign company in the UK. He has the sufficient funds to maintain and accommodate himself. He will have no need to recourse to public funds. The applicant was approved an Initial UK visa for three years. Following this DRSI Law applied for an extension of Leave to Remain for a further period of two years. After five years in the UK, the foreign visa applicant may request Indefinite Leave to Remain and one year later, Naturalization and British citizenship.

CASE STUDY 2 January 2020

Visa applicant came from an Israeli based company specializing in 3D imaging of the shop-floor environment, and the mapping of the movement of every object as consumers shop. The next stage of development is for the foreign company to enter the British & European market by registering a wholly owned subsidiary in the UK.

The foreign company wishes to establish a wholly owned subsidiary in the United Kingdom through the sole representation of their senior employee who has worked as their COO since June 2018. The Foreign company does not have any other UK branches or subsidiaries nor any other forms of representation in the UK.
