Portuguese citizenship – what does it obtain for you

Portuguese Citizenship for SEPHARDIC descendants:

Applicants must meet three stage:

Stage I – Eligibility – send an email with all family surnames to [email protected] 

You will receive a response in 5 working days

Stage II – Apply to the Jewish Sephardic Community Confirmation – 

TIME frame 2-5 months

Government Fees 250 EURO

Stage III – Apply to Portugese Immigration Authority

TIME frame 24-36 months

Government Fees 250 EURO

*Ineligibility- a serious conviction registered in a criminal record will cause the case to become “Ineligible” – meaning a crime punishable by three years imprisonment under Portuguese law are ineligible.

Acceptable Proof of Portuguese Sephardic ancestry and tradition. 

Applicants must submit one of the following:

Option one: A certificate from a Sephardic community recognized under Portuguese law. For example, the community of Porto or Lisbon. This certificate confirms the applicants’ ties with a Portuguese Sephardic community. It does this using family name, language, lineage, and family memory. To obtain this certificate an applicant must provide evidence of relationship with that community. For example, a rabbi’s declaration, recordings or texts in Ladino, etc. If the government of Portugal suspects misrepresentation, it may request further evidence.

Option two: A certified document from the applicant’s Jewish community. This document proves that the applicant uses Portuguese Sephardic languages, expressions, and rituals. They must be languages and practices used in the Portuguese Sephardic community, like Ladino.

Option three: Certified documents which attest to the applicant’s family ties with Portuguese Sephardim. For example, property deed, will, record of family lineage, marriage certificate, death certificate, birth certificate, circumcision record, synagogue record, cemetery record, etc.

Please send an email to:  [email protected] 

or call 077-5166-505

Write on your email: “ELIGIBILITY” 

DRSI LAW are a UK & Israeli law firm with over 15 years in Global Immigration citizenship solutions. We are qualified US, UK, Israeli Lawyers and Public notaries. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to assist you in your application for Portuguese / EUROPEAN citizenship. www.drsi-law.com

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